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Dyna-Cure™ FAQ's:

Updated: Jun 20, 2022

What happens when Dyna-Cure treated hay gets rained on?

​When rained on the hay may still discolor and because of the hay laying in field it may not test as well but the leaf retention can still increase bale weight.

*By turning off my water earlier won't I lose tonnage?

​We have found that by turning water off earlier the field is drier when you lay the windrow down, thus less water respiration during the curing time. We have found by doing this that Dyna-Cure treated hay can speed up curing time, saving 1-1.5 days in baling process.

How long is the product good for once I mix it in the tank?

​It is not recommended to leave mixed product in a tank longer than three days. If you break down and it sits three days is max. If you have mixture in tank and have a little left over at the end of the day no problem. Never leave mixture in tank between cuttings.

Weatherization tips here.

**When should I have the rakes ready?

​You will need to have the rakes ready at least two days prior to when you normally would. Don’t change your haying practices, but watch the treated hay and let it help you put your hay up earlier.

Why am I not seeing any difference in RFV?

​Mother Nature and cutting schedule along with age of crop and variety will play a factor in RFV. At the end of the day whether or not you see a bump in RFV, you can see an increase in bale weight thus paying for the product alone. We have found that the same test at several different labs will all have different RFV numbers. We recommend a wet chem test as they have proved less spread in RFV numbers.

If I have left over unopened product at the end of the year will it keep?

​Yes. In unopened jugs, keep in a dry cool place, keep from freezing.

Is Dyna-Cure approved for Organic production?

​Yes. It is certified by OMRI (Organic Materials Review Institute).

Click the "ORMI" link below for more information.



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