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Dyna-Sile™ Can Help Mitigate the Variables of Silage Fermentation

Cereal grain and alfalfa harvests are underway, and corn will have its harvesting heyday in the second half of the growing season, too. Just because these crops can all be cut for haylage or silage, though, doesn’t mean they are created equal when it comes to fermentation and ensiling.

Factors like moisture content and packing density must be in check to create a high-quality silage product, but two forage characteristics in particular that affect ensiling are water-soluble carbohydrates (WSC) and buffering capacity (BC).

Water-soluble carbohydrates are critical to silage production because they serve as substrates for fermentation acids. The two primary fermentation acids are acetic acid and lactic acid, with the latter being the strongest and most desirable acid because of its ability to quickly lower forage pH.

Water-soluble carbohydrate concentration is largely dependent on forage species. Forage crops that are common to the United States range from 5% to 20% WSC, with corn ranking highest, followed by forage sorghum, and then cool-season grasses. Alfalfa and other legumes rank the lowest.

Other factors that can impact WSC concentrations include plant maturity, growing environment, frost damage, nitrogen fertilization, and even the time of day during harvest. Perhaps the most problematic is rain damage after cutting that impedes forage dry down and exacerbates nutrient loss.

Dyna-Sile™ is an advanced silage additive for the quality production of alfalfa, grass, corn and high moisture grain silages.


Dyna-Sile™ includes enzyme agents that are used to improve the fermentation and preservation of corn, high moisture corn and cereal grain silages. Dyna-Sile™ can accelerate the production of lactic acid producing bacteria present in the silage mass.

BC can weaken as both grasses and legumes mature. Furthermore, alfalfa leaves tend to have a greater BC than alfalfa stems, which is noticeable when stands are harvested at earlier stages of maturity.

No matter the inherent WSC or BC of a forage species, harvesting crops at an appropriate moisture content is key to silage management. This will inhibit the proliferation of clostridia bacteria that can generate end products like butyric acid, ammonia, and amines. Also, applying a inoculant like Dyna-Sile™ that contains lactic acid-producing bacteria will help expedite a drop in pH, which also keeps clostridial activity at bay.

Dyna-Sile™ accelerates the production of lactic acid producing bacteria present in the silage mass which promotes:

  • Higher Fermentation Acid Content

  • Conserved Feed Energy

  • Preserved Nutrient Value

  • Reduced Heating

  • Increased Feed Value

  • Improved Palatability

  • Longer bunk life

Dyna-Sile™ introduces silage specific enzymes, metabolites and antioxidants that both enhance the primary fermentation process and controls the negative secondary fermentation process to create exceptional silage qualities.

This dual function gives Dyna-Sile™ a wider window of effectiveness than any other silage additive.

Dyna-Sile™ is most effective when applied as forage is being harvested. There is no mixing or diluting requited - simply fill the applicator tank installed directly on the chopper and you are ready to go.

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