Dyna-Cure™ is unlike most products on the market sold to help manage moisture in dry hay production. Dyna-Cure™ is NOT meant as a replacement for mismanagement. Dyna-Cure™ is NOT meant as a security policy for bailing hay that would be considered wet or higher moisture than what would be acceptable to a commercial buyer. 100% of our market in the Western USA is utilizing Dyna-Cure™ as a tool for increasing dry matter recovery (yield) and as a tool for increasing the dry down time and thus the cycle time of the haying process.
Leaf shatter during the haying process is the single largest detriment to yield. This occurs in both legumes and grass crops. The raking process is vital to the successful and timely recovery of your harvest. With raking comes the opportunity to shatter or strip the leaves off the crop. It is our experience, Dyna-Cure™ when applied correctly, can significantly decrease the percentage of leaf loss during the raking process. Visual results show a reduction of leaf loss under the windrow. It is also noted that due to the reduction of leaf loss during raking, producers can extend raking hours, thus increasing the opportunity to complete the haying process at optimum times.
With the reduction of leaf loss during raking and during the baling process we consistently see an improvement in the quality of our client’s hay. In legumes especially, the quality of the crop is impacted by the stem to leaf ratio. The stems of the crop are largely comprised of lignin or less digestible forage. The leaves are largely comprised of protein and highly digestible fiber. It is our experience that Dyna-Cure™ can have a significant impact on the outcome of the quality test simply due to the reduction of leaf shatter. Tests conducted on the trial indicate a positive impact to relative feed value of 19 points.
With the reduction of leaf shatter in your crop it is easy to assert that you should be baling more hay off the field. Increase in dry matter recovery is the area that Dyna-Cure™ can have most significant impact on your operation from a “ROI” standpoint. Results have shown that regardless of the quality test, a return of 3:1 is capable while utilizing Dyna-Cure™ simply due to the increase in leaf retention and thus yield.
Water is the key driver in forage production in the Western USA. There is a direct correlation to the amount of water you apply to a crop and yield, especially when it comes to hay production. The hay harvesting process can account for as much as 8 weeks of irrigation down time when cutting four times during a hay season. When you consider the dry-off time for the crop, cutting, raking, baling and removal, it adds up to a tremendous amount of lost irrigation and thus yield opportunity. Dyna-Cure™ has been shown to help shave off the cycle time during the harvest season. Accelerating the dry down time of the crop, moving the raking process ahead, opening the bailing window for optimum conditions, all lead to quicker removal of the crop and thus a return to irrigation and crop growth. Typically, the availability of water is not the limiting factor in hay production. Management of your irrigation and extending the opportunity to irrigate is key to impacting yield on the farm or ranch. A simple field test conducted on the trial on fourth cutting in 2024 resulted in a reduction of 8 days on the harvest window.
ü Dyna-Cure™ is a widely used tool for hay producers across the Western USA.
ü Leaf shatter accounts for most of the yield and quality loss on hay farms.
ü Dyna-Cure™ is applied at the time of swathing, maximizing your opportunity for ROI.
ü Dyna-Cure™ can help significantly reduce leaf shatter during raking and baling.
ü Dyna-Cure™ can help reduce cycle time, offering increased opportunities for maximizing irrigation and thus yield.
