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Good Silage: A Matter of Fermentation

Can inoculants help?

Epiphytic bacterial populations vary within and across crops and fields. Microbial inoculants are additives containing bacteria selected to improve silage fermentation efficiency and may aid in scenarios where the epiphytic bacterial population is unable to dominate the fermentation process. Thus, inoculants may preserve more nutrients.

Alternatively, greater aerobic stability may be achieved depending on the type of inoculant selected. Bacteria commonly found in microbial inoculants are divided into two main groups, homofermentative and heterofermentative. These groups differ in fermentation end product produced and are also known as homolactic and heterolactic bacteria, respectively.

Homofermentative bacteria have lactate as their main fermentation end product. Microbial inoculants based on this type of bacteria accelerates the pH drop as lactate is a stronger acid than acetate. A fast decline in pH prevents growth of undesired microorganisms and reduces protein degradation.

Some of the benefits observed include: lower pH, reduced acetate and butyrate concentrations, lower mold and clostridia counts, greater lactate concentration, and improved dry matter recovery. 

Dyna-Sile™ is an advanced silage additive for the quality production of alfalfa, grass, corn and high moisture grain silages.


Dyna-Sile™ includes enzyme agents that are used to improve the fermentation and preservation of corn, high moisture corn and cereal grain silages. Dyna-Sile™ can accelerate the production of lactic acid producing bacteria present in the silage mass.

Dyna-Sile™ accelerates the production of lactic acid producing bacteria present in the silage mass which promotes:

  • Higher Fermentation Acid Content

  • Conserved Feed Energy

  • Preserved Nutrient Value

  • Reduced Heating

  • Increased Feed Value

  • Improved Palatability

  • Longer bunk life

Dyna-Sile™ introduces silage specific enzymes, metabolites and antioxidants that both enhance the primary fermentation process and controls the negative secondary fermentation process to create exceptional silage qualities.


This dual function gives Dyna-Sile™ a wider window of effectiveness than any other silage additive.

Dyna-Sile™ is most effective when applied as forage is being harvested. There is no mixing or diluting requited - simply fill the applicator tank installed directly on the chopper and you are ready to go.



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