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Preconditioning helps calves adjust to weaning, feedlot

Maximize Your Program with Excell™ All-Natural

Program needs to include time to get extra weight on cattle, to overcome cost of poor performance in first week after weaning.

A preconditioning program is a plan to help with the transition of calves as they go through weaning — and before they go to a feedlot — to spread out some of those added stresses.

A key factor in your program is having enough time to get extra weight on those cattle to overcome the cost of the poor performance in the first week after weaning. A producer needs to balance between keeping the calves long enough and adding enough weight to them to make it profitable.

The value of Excell™ involves the longer-term benefits seen when the stress of weaning and shipping is overcome by getting the calves on feed quickly:

Stimulating feed intake:

· Brings the rumen microflora back to normal (stress can reduce the population to 10-15 percent of normal)

· Improved rumen function reduces chance of acidosis and digestive upsets

· Increased intake provides more nutrients for maintaining the immune system to fight off pathogen challenges

· Increased intake and improved rumen function increase nutrients available for growth, development, and feed efficiency

As with any economic decision, producers should evaluate the costs and returns of preconditioning programs. Additional costs of preconditioning vary across operations and situations and, while there is no guarantee of positive returns, the probability of positive returns is higher and more consistent in recent years.

Considerable research has shown that stressed cattle on weaning/receiving rations that stimulate intakes 2-3 weeks post weaning, perform significantly better, are healthy and more profitable than those that are not.

By being preconditioned, calves will be more valuable to the buyers because they have less risk of disease and will tend to receive a price premium. Preconditioning is valuable to the industry with prevention of illness and better preparation for feedlot.

Maximize gains during all time high cattle markets. Don't let opportunity pass you by with your preconditioning and weaning program.

Maximize Your Program with Excell™ All-Natural.

The Next Generation Of Animal Health!



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