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Value of Feeding Excell™ with PerforMix BoviBox for Preconditioning and Weaning

Feeding Excell™ in combination with PerforMix BoviBox enhances feeding efficiency and animal health. The combination of Excell™ and BoviBox provides rumen-friendly components that promote microbial growth, improve fiber digestion, increase nutrient intake and enhance overall animal health.

The benefits of Excell™ on animal health, include: ​

  • Stimulation of microbial growth in the rumen and intestine. ​

  • Improvement in rumen function, fiber digestion, nutrient digestion, adsorption, and immune function. ​

  • Increased production of volatile fatty acids, especially propionate and butyrate, which are efficient energy products of rumen fermentation. ​

  • Enhancement of intestinal microbiome diversity, leading to stronger immune function and better overall animal health. ​

The benefits of BoviBox on aninal health, include:

·         Provides an available energy source for rapid microbial growth and maintenance of high populations

·         Soluble protein level that is balanced to feed and maintain high microbial populations

·         Vitamin and trace mineral levels to meet microbial and bodily needs

The benefits of including Excell™ in BoviBox, are: ​

  • Increased feeding value due to two different modes of action that help maintain optimum rumen function. ​

  • Stimulation of microbial growth, leading to improved intake and fiber digestion. ​

  • Enhancement of volatile fatty acid and microbial protein production, resulting in about 6% more available energy and increased average daily gain and feed efficiency. ​

  • Significant effects on gut microbiome stimulation, immune function, and overall animal health. ​

Excell's dual modes of action stimulate microbial growth, improve intake and fiber digestion, and enhance energy and protein production. ​ By optimizing rumen function and promoting gut microbiome health, Excell™ in BoviBox offers a comprehensive solution for maximizing feeding value and supporting overall animal well-being. ​

PerforMix Rumax BoviBox and Excell™...the winning combination for your herd!

The Next Generation of Animal Health!®


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